Have you been trying for a baby for a long time? Unable to conceive or had repeated miscarriages? Don’t get disheartened. Advanced Infertility treatments are available to help you fulfil your dream of having your biological child.
IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization), popularly known as a test-tube baby is one such miracle treatment.
Maa Nursing Home and NetraJyoti Eyecare Centre uses the latest technology and follow stringent quality control to ensure the success of IVF treatment.
What is IVF?
IVF is a type of fertility treatment where fertilization is done artificially outside of the body. It’s suitable for people with a wide range of fertility issues. IVF is one of the commonly used and successful treatments available. In this procedure, the eggs are fertilized with the sperms in the laboratory and then transferred into the womb. The fertilized egg or embryo is allowed to develop for two and five days and then transferred to the woman’s womb for a successful birth.
If several embryos get created in this process, others can be frozen to be used in the next cycle if the first cycle is unsuccessful.
When is IVF recommended?
When the woman or man has the following problems:
- Blocked/damaged or absent fallopian tubes
- Endometriosis
- Unexplained Infertility
- Recurrent failures of IUI
- Male factor infertility
- Age-related infertility
- Menopause
- Low ovarian reserve
- Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
What are the steps involved in the IVF procedure?
IVF program involves the following steps:
- Initial consultation and counselling
- Investigations
- Ovarian Stimulation with Injections
- Egg Retrieval
- Sperm Collection
- Embryo Culture
- Embryo Transfer
1) Counselling:
Our doctor will have an in-depth discussion with the couple to understand their difficulty in conceiving. They are explained the process of IVF treatment also.
2) Investigations
Your doctor will note your medical history and recommend various tests.
Tests for men include:
- Semen analysis (to understand the semen volume, sperm count, shape, and motion of the sperm cells, etc.)
- Semen Culture
- Sperm Function test
- Routine blood tests
Tests for women include:
- Hormonal Profile
- Routine blood tests
2) Ovarian stimulation:
The infertility specialist will inject fertility drugs to increase the potential for multiple embryos. During stimulation, an ultrasonography examination and lab tests will be conducted too. Stimulation is done either by a long protocol or antagonist cycle.
3) Egg Retrieval:
When eggs are ready for retrieval, egg pick-up is done at the clinic under short anaesthesia by inserting a needle through the vagina into the ovaries using ultrasound guidance. Fluid from the follicles is drawn into a test tube to retrieve the eggs. Patients generally can go home after a few hours of egg retrieval.
5) Sperm collection:
The male partner typically collects a semen sample through masturbation. It can be done at the time of egg retrieval or earlier. The doctor examines the semen under a microscope to select the best sperms for IVF.
6) Embryo culture:
Your doctor will mix the best quality sperms with eggs in the laboratory. If the sperm quality or quantity is low, we do ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection), a process where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg to achieve fertilization. Eggs are examined the next day for fertilization.
7) Embryo transfer:
Two to five days after fertilization, we transfer the embryos into the uterus through a thin embryo transfer catheter under sonographic guidance. The extra embryos obtained can be cryopreserved and stored in liquid nitrogen for future use if necessary. A blood test for pregnancy is done usually after two weeks of the transfer.
Why Should You Choose Us?
Maa Nursing Home and NetraJyoti Eyecare Centre offers low-cost, affordable IVF treatment to couples. It has highly qualified and expert infertility specialists on its panel, who have treated hundreds of childless couples successfully. The entire IVF treatment is done with utmost transparency, taking the couple along in the decision-making process.