
What is a Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a general term used to describe damage to the optic nerve generally caused by high eye pressure. Whenever we look at an object, the image of that object falls on the retina (neurosensory layer of the eye). The retina transmits it to the brain via the optic nerve.

The optic nerve is like a cable having more than a million fibres that send messages about what we see from the eye to the brain.

Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve fibres (wires in the cable). If the entire nerves get destroyed, it can cause total permanent blindness within a few years. Yet, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, one can prevent further damage and blindness.


How does glaucoma affect vision?

A clear transparent fluid called aqueous humour is secreted in a normal eye and drained out continuously via microscopic channels. When these channels get blocked or there is an obstruction in the drainage mechanism, the fluid starts accumulating within the eye, building up pressure. If not controlled, it can cause damage to the optic nerve of the eye.

Glaucoma is one of the primary causes of blindness in the world. Early detection can help in better management and prevention of blindness. Hence, a regular eye check-up is a must for all. Maa Nursing Home and NetraJyoti Eyecare Centre offers advanced solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of Glaucoma.

What causes Glaucoma?

  • Ageing
  • Diabetes
  • Family history
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Far-sightedness(hyperopia) or near-sightedness(myopia)
  • Use of corticosteroids
  • Any injury which includes chemical injury or trauma to the eye
  • Inflammation of the eye
  • Blockage of blood vessels in the eye
  • Due to another eye surgery

What are the types of Glaucoma?

  1. Chronic simple /open-angle glaucoma:It is a gradually progressing disease, causing visual loss so quietly that the patient is not aware of the trouble till the final stage of the disease. In Open-angle glaucoma, the angle is usually open while the obstruction is in the fluid circulation in the drainage channels. If not checked in time, it can lead to a painless progressive total blindness. 

The symptoms include gradual dimness of vision with blurred vision, mild chronic headaches, reduction in peripheral vision, coloured halos around light, etc.,

  1. Acute / closed angle Glaucoma: As the name suggests, its onset is quite sudden. Some patients are born with narrow angles in the eyes. It can be blocked suddenly for many reasons resulting in a sudden increase in eye pressure. 

The symptoms of acute/closed-angle glaucoma are severe pain in the eye, headache, sudden blur vision, cloudy vision with coloured haloes seen around the lights, red-eye, etc.

  1. Congenital Glaucomaoccurs in children with defective drainage channels. Their corneas appear abnormally large and cloudy. These eyes have excessive watering, abnormal sensitivity to light, etc.
  2. Secondary Glaucoma: The intraocular pressure in the eye can increase suddenly due to another eye disease, injury with a blunt fist, overuse of certain drugs like steroids, diabetes, etc.

How is glaucoma diagnosed?

Maa Nursing Home and NetraJyoti Eyecare Centre has the latest equipment to diagnose glaucoma. Several tests will be done and repeated over time before confirming the diagnosis.

  1. Intraocular Pressure (IOP):This test helps measure intraocular pressure. If the eye pressure is above the normal range of 10-21mmHg, the doctor investigates further to confirm the disease.
  2. Gonioscopy: In this test, the drainage area, known as an angle, from where the aqueous fluid drains, is examined under a special lens. If the doctor observes any abnormality, he takes steps to correct and restore the fluid circulation in the eye.
  3. Pachymetry:This is to evaluate the central corneal thickness. It may influence the recording of pressure within the eyeball. 
  4. Perimetry / Visual Field:This computerized test helps evaluate the field of vision and pick up any defects. Doctors advise the patients to repeat this test periodically. It helps to pick any deterioration.
  5. Ophthalmoscopy:Done to view the optic nerve head changes, a characteristic of glaucoma.
  6. HRT (Heidelberg Retinal Tomography): One of the latest tools used to diagnose and follow the progress of glaucoma.


How is glaucoma treated?

If you get detected with glaucoma, do not ignore it. Check with a doctor for the treatment available. Maa Nursing Home and NetraJyoti Eyecare Centre offers the following treatment:

  1. Eye drops that the patient requires to continue for long periods, often life-long.
  2. LASER treatment: Doctors recommend this treatment to patients with Acute/ narrow angles with holes. The doctor uses LASER to make a hole or opening in the iris to relieve the blockage of the drainage channels.
  3. LASER Trabeculoplasty: Useful in open-angle glaucoma cases. Here the LASER is used to open the blocked passages in the eye.
  4. Surgery /Trabeculectomy:It is the operation where the eye surgeon creates an additional channel to drain the excess fluids, bypassing the blocked channel. This surgery helps patients with most types of glaucoma. 

Glaucoma is a silent blinder. Regular eye check-ups for those above 40 years and timely treatment can prevent permanent vision loss.